Thursday, May 13, 2010

Looking My Best..

Hubby is coming home soon and I need to look my absolute best!

First is my hair... I've been having so many issues with the color. I just can't get the right color. So this picture of Sarah Jessica Parker is EXACTLY how I want my hair...but I guess its super freaking hard to get it to that! I'm working on the length.. that's the not the issue, but oh my goodness the color is a NIGHTMARE! Sarah's hair color in this picture is super close to my natural and that's what I'm going for.

Next is my body. I just had a baby so I'm trying to get my body back. Which is really hard with a colicky baby!!! He always wants to be held and you can forget going for walks...Only way it's successful is if two people go walking with him. ha I've been doing things here and there at home. It's hard and I'm also drinking some weight loss shakes that are meal replacers!

Last is my skin. I NEED TO TAN!!! I'm not super white, but I really do need to get that perfect glow! So I'm going to be working on that very soon!!!!!

I know Hubby will love me no matter what I look like...I just want to look super special! I want him to be like DANG is that my wife? haha I have some time to get this stuff done, but not much! So I better get to it! WISH ME LUCK!

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