Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Happy Veterans Day!
I want to say thank you to all who have served our country and who are currently serving! Thank you for putting your lives on the line for me and my family!
I want to send a special shot out to my husband, Ryan, who is in the Army. Thank you baby for protecting not just our family, but everyone else in the U.S. You are my hero and I am so proud of you! You have setting such a good example for our son. I hope he grows up to be just like you! I love you baby! xoxo
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My heart's desire...
I want to impact lives.
I want to change something that "can't" be changed.
I want to STOP child abuse...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My view
This is my view everyday!!!!! =]
My son and his tongue! haha O.M.G. I love it!
It's his new thing... if you stick yours out he cracks up!!!
So the other day Hubby bought me an external hard drive! YES! So I can back up all my important stuff!!!! LIKE MY PHOTOS!!!!!! Now I can probably wipe my computer out and restart everything since my comp is like a piece of junk! There's something seriously wrong with it! Now I feel alot better though. I don't have to worry about my comp crashing and my photos and important documents disappearing!!! Thank the good Lord for putting it in our budget!!! :)
Love you Jesus!!! xoxo
My son and his tongue! haha O.M.G. I love it!
It's his new thing... if you stick yours out he cracks up!!!
So the other day Hubby bought me an external hard drive! YES! So I can back up all my important stuff!!!! LIKE MY PHOTOS!!!!!! Now I can probably wipe my computer out and restart everything since my comp is like a piece of junk! There's something seriously wrong with it! Now I feel alot better though. I don't have to worry about my comp crashing and my photos and important documents disappearing!!! Thank the good Lord for putting it in our budget!!! :)
Love you Jesus!!! xoxo
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Cleaning Day!!!
Sunday is our cleaning day and let me tell you, My hubby is doing a great job!! It looks so amazing in here!!!! Then I lit some of our candles and now my house smells like Banana Nut! OMG its so yummy! All of their candles, oils, and potpourri smell AMAZING! I hope I spelled potpourri right. Eh, I don't know.
I love my husband! He's the best! He even cleaned the toilets! =]
We are also watching football..of course!
I love my husband! He's the best! He even cleaned the toilets! =]
We are also watching football..of course!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Stitching my way!

I made the green cute little cupcake hair clip for my friend's daughter. I still have to add the hair clip to the back. The purple cupcake didnt turn out right! I dont like how I stitched on the bottom of the cupcake...
Oh and by the way I got this idea from another blog:
So go check it out for more fun things!!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
New hobby???
Oh man! I have been so MIA lately!
I want to start some new hobbies... and so far what I really want to take on is sewing, knitting, corchet work, embroidery, stitching, and great stuff like that!
My mother and best friend will be coming to visit soon, so I can learn most of that stuff!!! First off sewing and knitting!
I'm so excited!
You definitely need to check out this amazing blog:
Abby is amazing!!!! so go now, check it out!
I want to start some new hobbies... and so far what I really want to take on is sewing, knitting, corchet work, embroidery, stitching, and great stuff like that!
My mother and best friend will be coming to visit soon, so I can learn most of that stuff!!! First off sewing and knitting!
I'm so excited!
You definitely need to check out this amazing blog:
Abby is amazing!!!! so go now, check it out!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
HUBBY AND I GOT A HOUSE ON-POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not in the neighborhood we wanted or was on a waiting list for, but HEY who cares! WE GOT A HOUSE! It's 2 bedroom and that's all I know about it! If we don't like the neighborhood or house after being in it for 6 months we can ask for a trasnfer to a neighborhood we like. I am so happy that we got a house! I have been stressing so much about this! My mom and I were on the phone with like 10 different apartments off post and almost every single one had no availability until August! I was freaking out. Then we found one place that did month to month and has availability, but was like 1000 dollars month to month and it can increase because we aren't in a lease... so i am really happy that I don't have to worry about that was for like a studio apartment, 585 sq ft. Now, we are going to be living in a 2 bedroom HOUSE!
OMG I am so excited!!!!! I can't wait for my hubby to come home!!!!! Less than 2 weeks!!!
It's not in the neighborhood we wanted or was on a waiting list for, but HEY who cares! WE GOT A HOUSE! It's 2 bedroom and that's all I know about it! If we don't like the neighborhood or house after being in it for 6 months we can ask for a trasnfer to a neighborhood we like. I am so happy that we got a house! I have been stressing so much about this! My mom and I were on the phone with like 10 different apartments off post and almost every single one had no availability until August! I was freaking out. Then we found one place that did month to month and has availability, but was like 1000 dollars month to month and it can increase because we aren't in a lease... so i am really happy that I don't have to worry about that was for like a studio apartment, 585 sq ft. Now, we are going to be living in a 2 bedroom HOUSE!
OMG I am so excited!!!!! I can't wait for my hubby to come home!!!!! Less than 2 weeks!!!
MY DREAM CAR hands down!
OMG! This is my dream car!!! Lexus LFA 2012! I DIE! O.M.G.
Just pinch me now! 0-60 in 3.6 seconds! 4.8L V10! 202 MPH Top Speed!!! Extensive carbon fiber construction... Who wouldn't want this car!!!! I would really like to win 500,000 dollars so I could buy this... Base MSRP is $375,000. ... OMG! I would like to at least test drive this car!
Just pinch me now! 0-60 in 3.6 seconds! 4.8L V10! 202 MPH Top Speed!!! Extensive carbon fiber construction... Who wouldn't want this car!!!! I would really like to win 500,000 dollars so I could buy this... Base MSRP is $375,000. ... OMG! I would like to at least test drive this car!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Should have bought a Mac
I know I should have bought a Mac. I would have been so much happier. I was going to buy one instead of this HP I have. The Macbook I want is about 1200 bucks. SOOO MUCH MONEY!!!!
AHHH!!!!!!! I wish my computer was worth more than 125 (the trade-in value).
I have such a dilema.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Garden of Goodies!
My aunts are starting to build their garden... :) YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
So far I know that tomatoes will definitely be grown here!!!!! I dont really like tomatoes, but my Aunt Mary loves them! So I'm happy about it! Lots of hard work is being put in this garden and its going to be beautiful!!!!!!!!!! My Aunt Gail is a wonderful cook and these homegrown goodies will make her cooking that much more special!!!!
My aunts deserve a pat on the back!!! Love you guys!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
What a HUNK!
My husband is absolute PERFECTION!
He is so incredibly HOTT!
Such a sexy man, I am married to.
I can not wait for his return!!!
I was just on the webcam with my husband and there was this one 5 minute period where I couldnt stop smiling everytime my husband looked at me. (well looked at the camera, like he was making eye contact) It was like he was standing right in front me. that makes him so sexy to know that all he has to do is look at me and make me feel like the most beautiful, spectacular woman in the world!
It just blows my mind to know that God had this whole plan and knew Ryan was going to be the man I'd marry, the man I'd spend the rest of my life with. He created Ryan knowing exactly what I needed in a man. What my heart desired. God knew exactly what Ryan's heart desired! It's just absolutely AMAZING! It makes realize how blessed am I and how wonderful God is.
This post was just going to be about how hot my husband is and how amazing he makes me feel even when he just looks at me. I guess it turned into a post, or revelation, about God and the wonders he creates!
Friday, May 14, 2010
It Left Me Breathless
The Vampire Diaries
Season Finale
Wow. The finale was A-mazing! I was on the edge of the couch the whole time. So many things were unexpected, and just blew me away!
Let me first say that I can't believe Katherine is HERE! I was NOT expecting her to show up. Damon being in love with Elena is kind of cool! I actually like the "NEW" Damon! Poor Stefan seems kind of insecure. So Jeremy a vampire? It was going to happen sooner or later!
I love that Bonnie helped Stefan Damon and Elena! That was nice. I was so worried one of the Salvatore brothers were going to die. Scared me! WHAT IN THE HECK are the mayor and his son?!?!?! WEIRD!!!!!!! (The books have the answer..although I've heard the books are quite different from the show)
The BIG question is what did Elena hear in the kitchen?
Her biological father stumbling or Jeremy feeding on his Uncle John?
How I am going to wait until September...I have no idea, but until then I will be watching re runs of this season.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Looking My Best..
First is my hair... I've been having so many issues with the color. I just can't get the right color. So this picture of Sarah Jessica Parker is EXACTLY how I want my hair...but I guess its super freaking hard to get it to that! I'm working on the length.. that's the not the issue, but oh my goodness the color is a NIGHTMARE! Sarah's hair color in this picture is super close to my natural and that's what I'm going for.
Next is my body. I just had a baby so I'm trying to get my body back. Which is really hard with a colicky baby!!! He always wants to be held and you can forget going for walks...Only way it's successful is if two people go walking with him. ha I've been doing things here and there at home. It's hard and I'm also drinking some weight loss shakes that are meal replacers!
Last is my skin. I NEED TO TAN!!! I'm not super white, but I really do need to get that perfect glow! So I'm going to be working on that very soon!!!!!
I know Hubby will love me no matter what I look like...I just want to look super special! I want him to be like DANG is that my wife? haha I have some time to get this stuff done, but not much! So I better get to it! WISH ME LUCK!
"Mark & Michele are Maui'ed"
January 2010
I was going to attend this wedding in Maui with Teale as her 2nd shooter, but I was like 32 weeks pregnant and couldn't get on a plane... but Teale did an amazing job capturing the love between Mark & Michele. Teale has a true talent...
The Body and Blood of Christ... this image is so powerful!!!
Check out Teale's blog:
I have never met Mark, but Michele is my "big sis" and I just love her more than anything in the world!! Seeing her happy is so wonderful! Mark must be quiet an amazing man!
Do You Hear Me..
...I'm talking to you
Across the waters, across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying.
Boy, I hear you in my dreams
I hear you whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard.
(Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat)
I'm missing my husband. I love him so much and this deployment is so frustrating at times.
I can't wait until he comes home!!!!!
Across the waters, across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying.
Boy, I hear you in my dreams
I hear you whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard.
(Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat)
I'm missing my husband. I love him so much and this deployment is so frustrating at times.
I can't wait until he comes home!!!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Silky and Smooth
1 cup (2 sticks) of unsalted butter
6 to 8 cups of powder sugar
1/2 cup of milk
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
In electric mixer cream butter until smooth and creamy. With mixer at low speed add 6 cups of powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla; mix until light and fluffy. If neccessary, gradually add remaining 2 cups to reach desired consistency.
Such a Quiet Day
My son is having such a good day!!! He has barely cried today!! It's so wonderful to be able to have fun and just play with him without him screaming. Today has been a quiet day.
He's taking a nap right now and has been for a while now. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. Aww he's so precious. He's precious awake too!! hehe :)
He's taking a nap right now and has been for a while now. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. Aww he's so precious. He's precious awake too!! hehe :)
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